NAAWP does not offer a Forum of its own, since there are enough already,
but lists the forums with a grade for how well they bring out
equal rights for uncolored people
and provide a forum of freedom of speech and reasonable debate

Organization Description Results
2019-05-25's CEO Brian Halligan
The wrote to's CEO Brian Halligan to ask that more white men be depicted on their business management web site, since most businesses in the USA, and the most successful (from Bill Gates to Jeff Bezos), were started and run by white men. Such activism is what other races do. Please help contact Brian at


Most of America's Businesses Run by White Men, Says Census Bureau _ Economy _ US News.html

US News & World Report blocked their own page, but it is still in the Archive.


If you know of additionalrelated forums,
please let us know at

Suggestion of the month: Join Toastmasters as a way to speak out about equal rights for uncolored people